The Hidden Step
three ingredients of success
A job seeker e-mailed me once with the following:
“I don’t have a job at this time. The economy is really bad,
there is no jobs out there. I don’t want to go to anymore
career events when there is no jobs at all.”
This is her actual message in her words. My experience has consistently
shown that the economy has nothing to do with fnding employment until
or unless you believe it does. You have probably heard the story about the
hot dog vendor.
The Hotdog Vendor Story
A man sold hot dogs by the side of the road. He was hard of hearing, so he
had no radio. He had trouble with his eyes, so he had no newspaper. But
he sold good hot dogs. He put up a sign on the road, telling how good they
were. He stood by the side of the road and cried, “Buy a hot dog, mister!”
And people bought. He increased his meat and bun
order, and he bought a bigger stove to take care of
his trade. People loved his hot dogs. He got his son
home from college to help him. But then something
happened. His son said, “Father, haven’t you been
listening to the radio? There’s a big Depression on.
The international situation is terrible, and the do-
mestic situation is even worse.” The father, amazed
by this new information, thought, “Well, my son has
gone to college. He listens to the radio and reads
the newspaper, so he ought to know.” So, the father
cut down on the bun order, took down his advertis-
ing sign, and no longer bothered to stand on the side of the road to sell hot
dogs. His sales plummeted. “You were right, son,” the father said to the
boy. “We are certainly in the middle of a Great Depression.”