The Hidden Step
Using this power, humans have achieved
amazing heights. We have
traveled to the Moon, observed plan-
ets millions of miles away, explored
the deepest oceans, climbed the highest
mountains, and developed remarkable
technologies that enhance the quality of
our lives.
History is full of examples of ordinary people who
have used this power to achieve extraordinary success.
Abraham Lincoln is a prime example. Here is an
ordinary man, uneducated and poverty stricken, who
overcame numerous defeats and setbacks to become
one of the most infuential leaders our country has
ever seen. Abraham Lincoln’s road to success was not
free of challenges. He failed in business at age 24, was
defeated for legislature at 25, failed in business again
at age 28, suffered the death of his sweetheart at 29,
suffered a nervous breakdown at 30, was defeated for
speaker at 31, lost an electoral race at 32, lost a
congressional race at 34, lost another congressional
race at 39, lost a senatorial race at 41, lost a vice
presidential race at 45, was defeated in a senatorial
race at 47, and was elected president at age 51.
In fact our culture is full of examples of individuals
with disabilities who used this power to achieve re-
markable success. Helen Keller was deaf and blind but
ignite your inner fre
this is your time
Abraham Lincoln
Moon landing