The Hidden Step
ignite your inner fre
ingredient three - belief
b e l i e f i s t h e i n g r e d i e n t t h a t i s m i s s i n g mo s t o f t h e t i me
h i s i s t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t o f
t h e t h r e e .
When you add the element of belief, you create the
chemistry within resulting in emotions that are natu-
ral, explosive, and plentiful. To demonstrate how
powerful this mixture is, I want you to experience
something very powerful. Stay with me here.
I am going to present you with a scenario. I ask that
you imagine vividly what I am presenting to you. Go
to a quiet place, maybe a room in your house or offce,
and close the door. Be sure you are alone and free of
any distractions. When you have total silence, read the
scenario from the next page.
Note: In order to feel the emotions I am looking for
you to experience, you must imagine the scenario is
happening to you right now, as opposed to watching it
happen to a third party.
If your mind
can conceive it,
you can achieve
Napoleon Hill