The Hidden Step
When you are done completing the exercises, proceed to Step Two. At Step
Two, together we will plan your career path. This is important prior to starting
the resume.
ingredient three - belief
Although beliefs change in an instant, changing some beliefs can be
challenging because, no matter how limiting they may be, they are held sacred.
In India cows are considered to be sacred to over 85 million Hindus. They hold
beliefs that cows are holy; they roam and wander wherever they want. They
can block traffc for hours and interrupt daily business practices.
In certain parts of the Middle East, millions of people believe a sneeze has
religious implications. If you sneeze once, you must stop whatever you are
doing or you may experience negative consequences in the future. Business
transactions that involve millions of dollars have been canceled over one
sneeze. Beliefs similar to these have held nations back from advancing into the
twenty-frst century. These beliefs are transferred from generation to genera-
tion; change is rejected when it would alter what people hold as sacred.
Do you have beliefs that you hold sacred that are holding you back? Can you
identify them?