The Hidden Step
ignite your inner fre
silent self talk
Do y ou h e a r y ou r s e l f ? You w i l l a f t e r t o d a y.
e t a l k m o r e t o o u r s e l v e s i n o n e
d a y t h a n w e t a l k t o t h o s e a r o u n d u s
in one week. Silent self talk is always present. Our inner dia-
logue is responsible for shaping our thoughts. And since both
positive and negative thoughts cannot occupy the mind at the
same time, one or the other dominates your thought pattern.
Our silent self-talk cannot be heard, but it can be felt. Therefore,
what you say internally (positive or negative), controls your
physiology, psychology, your feelings and consequently actions
towards your environment.
Have you ever experienced being nervous for an interview?
Why does that happen? Have you ever wondered about this?
Imagine an applicant named Joe, whose silent self-talk is nega-
tive. He was invited to an interview for his dream job. This job
pays $160,000 annually, plus a car allowance, full benefts, and
an expense account. Joe really wants this job. The day prior to
an interview what does Joe experience?
Considering his negative silent self-talk, Joe will probably
Your self
dialogue is