The Hidden Step
ignite your inner fre
ingredient three - belief
Exercise #6
This is themost important exercise. The one you should not skip.
Record a success
Go back in your memory and recall one successful experience.
Note: Your past successes can range from winning an award in school, acquiring a driv-
ers license, high school graduation, learning to ride a bike or being successful in busi-
ness. Experience the original event with as much detail as possible. The more detailed
recalled, the more successful you will be at reliving the state of achievement.
Think about the emotions experienced:
List your accomplishments along with
the emotions recalled. Spend about 15 minutes on each successful experience and write
down all images vividly. Record the feelings as you recall them in as much detail as
possible. (Form provided - next page)
Note: Be sure to write the experience in the present tense as if it is happening to you
right now and answer the following questions.
1.What did you see? Spend time visualizing every detail.
2. What did it make you visualize and imagine?
3. What did you tell yourself?
4. What was the tonality and expressions of people around you?
5. What deep sensation did you get?
6. What did you hear? What sounds were there?
7. Feel the temperature change, were you cold or hot ?
8-What about your environment, what else was happening around you at the time ?
3- Record one success per day and read one success per day
Some people think about their failures and can recall details easily. But they may not
recall their successes. In this segment, take the time to recall one success per day.
Since this is the most important exercise in this segment, contact your employment
coach with any questions about this exercise. You may call (888) 440-8808.