The Hidden Step
For every person looking for a career, the path to employment at
frs seems clear: search, fnd, and apply. A simple search for any
position yields plenty of results.
Mos begin to think, “I should be back to work in no time.”
For every person, however, there comes a time where the
path becomes foggy. Resume submissions go unnoticed, in-
formation received varies from one source to another, and
eventually confusion sets in. Months later every reason-
able efort leads to a dead-end.
Eventually mos job seekers fnd themselves
here. Los, frusrated, and confused.
Job seekers searching for employment
develop the belief: “I followed every sep
and implemented every direction I was
asked to follow. And nothing is working.
Every srategy that worked the las time I
was looking for employment is not work-
ing today.” This belief eventually turns
into skepticism, causing the job seeker to
pursue help…or give up entirely.
blueprint for success
Before you fnd yourself lost in the forest, we want to identify the path
and move forward one step at a time.