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The Hidden Step
how is this book diferent?
o e n s u r e t h i s i s n o t j u s t a n o t h e r
b o o k o n y o u r s h e l f , e a c h s t e p
a c c o m p a n i e s
l i v e a s s i s t a n c e
Information you cannot implement is of little consequence.
Although it makes for a good read, time matters and we have
a job to do.
Therefore soon after your download of this step (The copy
you are reading now), your information is forwarded to a job
search assistant. The assistant will contact you within about
two weeks. This book is written as a guide. It is so simple to
follow, you may not need the help of an assistant. Yet, it is
available when you need it.
Steps One, Two & Three
A job search assistant will be your guide
during steps one, two and three. The role
of a job search assistant is to be there
when you need help*.
Steps Four and Five
A career coach will be your guide during
steps four and fve. Writing your resume
and preparing for the interview process
requires a higher degree of expertise.
Therefore, steps four and fve accompany
two complimentary sessions with an expert.
1 2
A job search assistant is prepared to help anyone serious about fnding employment. Those who complete the exercises and move swiftly
through each step receive the highest level of priority by our assistants. To contact an assistant,
please write to
S t e p