The Hidden Step
“If the phone
interview is
you won’t
make it to the
o u c a n n o t g e t a j o b o v e r t h e
p h o n e .
The art of handling the phone interview is the art of
getting to the appointment (the interview). That is all.
Nothing more, nothing less.
And success is imperative. Why?
If the phone interview is mishandled, you won’t make
it to the interview. One can venture to say:
“Preparation for the phone interview is more impor-
tant than the interview itself.” And it all starts with the
phone interview.
What is the goal?
As the hiring manager’s goal is to screen out the un-
qualifed from the gems, your goal is to convince the
hiring manager that you are one of the gems. They
say the frst fve minutes of the interview are the most
critical. That is not true.
the phone interview