Page 16 - Ignite Your Inner Fire - Step One

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The Hidden Step
“If this chip did
exist, overnight
you would gain
the power to turn
every phone
interview into a
m a g i n e a c o m p u t e r c h i p t h a t
w h e n i m p l a n t e d i n t o y o u r h e a d ,
almost immediately gave you the power to answer any
question using the most effective response with poise
and confdence without having to think about it.
How would this new technology change the course of
your search? If it did exist, overnight you would gain
the power to turn every phone interview into a face-
to-face appointment? Wouldn’t it be exciting if this
chip did exist? Well this chip does exist. It is in your
head right now.
There is an area of your mind where information is
stored permanently and will not be forgotten, unless
of course you get brain damage. Information entering
this area of your brain cannot be forgotten.
you will become great at this