The Hidden Step
By adding information to your knowledge bank, you can produce incredible
strength, power and wisdom under pressure. To become effective, interview
questions must frst become a part of our knowledge bank.
How exactly is this done?
We are going to turn questions into triggers and attach responses to those
triggers. Once the association is established, the information becomes a part of
your knowledge bank. Anytime in the future, when the trigger is recalled, the re-
sponse attached is automatically recalled as well. This technique is not new. You
have already used this technique many times in the past.
For instance, if I asked you: “What is 2X3?” you would quickly see the answer
in your mind’s eye. The response is automatic and no matter how much pressure
you are under, when presented with this question, the correct response is readily
available. Without the need to think or feel stressed, you respond with the
correct response (six) every time.
“If you were asked: “What
is 2X3?” you would quickly
see the answer in your mind’s
eye. The response is
automatic... ”
Successful people become successful because key qualities
have become a part of their knowledge bank. For instance,
successful people do not have to remind themselves every morning
that they need discipline or drive to achieve their goals. To succeed,
you cannot remind yourself to think positive thoughts. This knowledge
must be accessible automatically when needed, giving you the power
to excel. In fact, by doing so, some are able to summon their most
powerful resources under pressure and become more effective.
you will become great at this