The Hidden Step
how to measure success
1- At the conclusion, you have successfully scheduled the face-
to-face appointment (interview).
2- At the conclusion the hiring manager is so excited to have
found you; he or she is eagerly anticipating the interview (Just
as you get excited about a great position, hiring managers get
equally as excited when they fnd an applicant they perceive as
a great applicant).
How do you measure phone interview success?
You know you have achieved success when you achieve
the following at the conclusion of the phone interview.
We will
follow four
In this guide we will show you how to turn the phone call into a
face-to-face appointment. We will follow four simple steps to accomplish
this. Once you complete these steps, it’s time to practice, practice, practice.
By the time we are done, you will become a master at turning every phone
interview into an appointment.
Let’s get started.