The Hidden Step
We think in pictures. If I tell you not to think about an el-
ephant, what is the frst thing you think about? An elephant.
How did you see the elephant? In words or pictures? You
saw it in pictures. We think in pictures and understand com-
plicated ideas more effectively in pictures as well. Lengthy
descriptions about YOU do not have as much impact as a
story with vivid pictures about you does.
People understand pictures better than words. An interest-
ing study was conducted on people in Kenya who had never
seen snow. Not only had they never seen snow, they did not
even have a word in their language to describe it. The re-
searches tried explaining to them what it was. But there was
little comprehension. However, as soon as they showed them
pictures of it, the words made more sense. The natives un-
derstood it. As children we learned in pictures. But as adults
we use words to be professional in areas where pictures are
needed to emotionally impact the other person.
You probably prefer hearing an interesting story over a
description in random words.
Below is an example:
Applicant One
Casually explains his role at a previous job
I worked for Altavista corporation for 8 years. As a marketing man-
ager I helped increase revenues for the company by 20% and really
enjoyed working there.”
Preparation Step Three
Learn to Tell Stories
preparation steps