The Hidden Step
Two people can see the same scenario and conclude different
things. For instance, two people standing side by side in a party
looking at a group of people laughing and looking their way may
arrive at two different conclusions.
The person on the left may conclude:
“They are laughing at me,”
The person on the right may conclude:
“They must like me.”
Yet a third person may conclude:
“This is a happy group.”
All three are looking at the same thing but arriving at three totally
different conclusions. Which conclusion do you arrive at in situa-
tions, positive or negative? It’s a fact that both negative and posi-
tive thoughts cannot occupy the mind at the same time. Some peo-
ple have made it a point to only see the positives, others only the
negatives, although it takes the same level of effort to do either.
The glass is either half full, half empty or too large for the
Some will look at this water bottle and see:
Aplastic bottle that fits lesswater than a bigger bottle, unfriendly to the environment
and punctured easily.
Others will look at the same bottle and see:
A plastic bottle that is light (because it is plastic), fts more water than a even smaller
bottle, can be recycled, and lighter to carry than a glass bottle
(fts into any place easier ).
Preparation Step Seven
View the best in every situation
preparation steps