The Hidden Step
o u r a b i l i t y t o a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n w h i l e
conveying confdence, poise and displaying a backbone is a skill. You were
not born knowing this. Pay close attention to this section and
practice, practice, practice.
Below you will fnd a list of commonly asked interview questions.
Our goal is not to just learn the responses, but to train
our knowledge bank. This way, just as 2X3 produces
the responses 6, when asked any question listed below,
the right response would be automatically recalled.
There are fve types of interview questions.
1. Basic
2. Behavioral Oriented
3. Scenario Oriented
4. Achievement Oriented
5. Brain teasers
four point process
Answer the questions
At Step Five you begin preparing for the interview by getting responses to
these questions. In that guide, every response is listed. You may attend the
Hidden Step workshop in your area and role play on site with the help of a
career coach to prepare for the interview. At the workshop all fve steps are
covered in one day. To download Guide Five, please visit
, or attend the next Hidden Step
workshop in your area. You can learn about dates and times by visiting