The Hidden Step
achieving clarity
o m e a p p l i c a n t s a r e u n d e r t h e f a l s e
i m p r e s s i o n t h a t t h e i r r e s u m e i s a p t
to be read by a person when it is submitted. Resumes are
typically frst scanned (by a computer), then screened (by a
person), and read only after a match is identifed.
The scanner
scans the content to identify the ft. Employers
receive so many irrelevant responses to a posted position,
they rely on talent management software to sort matches
from the non-matches. When the resume is not recognized as
ft, it is scanned out.
The screener
is the person who reviews your resume (usu-
ally the hiring manager) who has thousands of other resumes
to screen. The process of screening your resume lasts about
seven seconds and there are six specifc points the manager
looks for to identify a match. We will discuss these points
later in this manual.
When your resume is determined by the screener to be a ft,
it is then read (
the reader
). When your resume is read, does
the employer become excited about calling you or is your
resume viewed as a non-match?
By the time we have completed this program (all fve steps),
assuming that you are applying for confrmed jobs (jobs that
are waiting to be flled by a specifc deadline), your resume
will pass the scanner, motivate the screener, and compel the
reader who will then pick up the phone to contact you.
By the time we
are done with
Step Four, your
resume will pass
the scanner, moti-
vate the screener,
and compel the
reader to pick up
the phone and
call you.”
Build Your Resume
Your resume is not always read
r e a l i z i n g why we d o wh a t we d o wh e n p r e p a r i n g y ou r r e s ume