The Hidden Step
Build Your Resume
m p l o y e r s a s s e s s y o u r p o t e n t i a l
by reviewing your most recent work experience. Be sure
it is concise and well written, and projects quantifable
Showing a successful track record is the key here. For in-
stance, if you were to describe your experience running a
marathon, you could either write “I ran the marathon,” or
“I completed the marathon, successfully ranking among
the top 12% and was recognized by the American Run-
ning Association as a key participant.”
Does the American Running Association even exist? I
don’t think so. I just made it up for this example.
Traditionally, when devising your work experience, you
demonstrated “
what you did
” for a previous employer: “I
was responsible for managing fve territories....”
Today, employers want to know instead: “
how what
you did
” can beneft them. For instance, if the employer
is looking to enhance vendor relationships, you may
change the bullet to read,
“Managing fve territories, I
was recognized by my supervisors as the most success-
ful in improving vendor relationships.”
The employer
is looking to hire someone who can help them achieve
specifc objectives.
Therefore, when composing your work experience, show not WHAT you did but
HOW what you did can beneft the employer who is hiring for the path on your
stage four
work Experience
Traditionally, when
devising your
work experience,
you demonstrated
“what you did” for
previous employ-
ers. Today, employ-
ers want to know
“how what you
did” can
beneft them.