The Hidden Step
Therefore, the frst major change is that your
resume must communicate your message as
clearly as you would in person. You must
clearly communicate your soft and hard
skills in a manner that instantly separates
you from everyone else.
what changed?
“In today’s job market, if
you send your resume to ten
employers and do not receive
a response, continuing this
pattern can keyword you out
of more jobs.
Some shotgun
their resume out, hoping for
a response. Today it is no
longer a numbers game...”
Are you spraying your resume
hoping it would get to someone?
What is a Scanner?
Today employers use sophisticated talent-management software to
manage the volume of resumes received. If your resume is not recog-
nized as a match after being scanned, it may be scanned out (depending
on the type of software used) for 3 to 12 months. This allows other
applicants to apply for the same positions without clogging the system.