The Hidden Step
What is the frst step anyone follows when they start looking for work?
Update a resume, and send that
to as many employers as possible.
This common pattern is a formula that guarantees
extended unemployment
Continuing to send out a resume to which no employers have responded
can eventually scan you out of
jobs in your area.
It is no longer a numbers game.
In today’s job market, if you
send resumes to ten employers
and do not receive a response,
continuing this pattern can key-
word you out of more jobs.
If the frst ten viewed your re-
sume as a match, they would
have called you. Employers are
just as eager to fll their open
positions as you are to secure
them. If the frst ten did not view your resume as a match, chances are other
employers won’t either. Therefore, stop the two step process everyone else
is following Now, and take the steps in this series to stand out immediately.
The frst step is to assess or budget our motivation which is the fuel we
need to continue forward progress. Let’s get started with Step One.
what changed?