The Hidden Step
ignite your inner fre
three ingredients of success
y ou a r e t h e p e r s on o t h e r s wa n t t o b e
“This is a time
when an
person with a
genuine idea can
create a company
like Netfix and
bring a large
competitor such
as Blockbuster to
its knees.”
h y y o u ? W h y n o w ?
We live today in remarkable times. We have advanced
more within the past twenty years than we have in the
entire history of mankind, providing us with
opportunities that were not available previously.
We live in a time where a 19-year-old college
dropout can create a 60 billion dollar empire called
Facebook in less than seven years. This is a time when
an unemployed person with a genuine idea can create
a company like Netfix that brings a large competitor
such as Blockbuster to its knees. This is an era that
human beings have dreamed of and looked forward to
for thousands of years.
We are particularly fortunate to live in the richest land