The Hidden Step
ignite your inner fre
three ingredients of success
This secret formu-
la changed my life
20 years ago and
I have since wit-
nessed it change the
lives of thousands
of others.
that ever existed, a land of abundant opportunity for everyone.
Sure times can get hard. Economies change, businesses close,
jobs are lost, neighborhoods suffer, but we forget that we have
been there many times before. And we have a proven track record
for the comeback every time. Americans are the most resilient
people any culture has ever seen.
Of course our environment tells us otherwise. Well-meaning
people from the, media, friends, family, and teachers can plant
suggestions that are untrue. And they will remain untrue until you
accept them and then that becomes your reality. Our environment
does a very good job in painting a picture convincing some that
the sky is falling. Some people are very good at selling bad news.
And believers react to this news as if the sky is really falling. And
when we believe it, we start reacting to it as if it was reality.