The Hidden Step
three ingredients of success
Auto-suggestion has tremendous power. Decades of studies have shown that
when a false idea is believed, it has the same power over you as reality does.
The suggestion that age or race prolongs unemployment holds little merit, yet
when you buy into the idea, it impacts your results as if it is reality.
.People who are given
stimulants and told they are
given relaxants, invariably
begin to feel drowsy.
In a study, passengers on a ship were told they looked pale.
Eighty-two percent of those involved suddenly felt sick. A remarkable
study was done on schizophrenia. One case involved a woman with
dissociative identity disorder (“split personality”) who had normal
blood sugar levels. But when the personality who has diabetes was
present, her whole physiology changed to become that of a diabetic.
In a similar way, there have been numerous studies where a person is
touched with a piece of ice and told that it is a piece of hot metal, and
blisters developed at the point of contact. You may have heard of the
placebo effect. One remarkable placebo study concerned a group of
patients who have ulcers. They were divided into two groups. People in
the frst group were told they were given a new drug that would pro-
duce absolute relief. Those in the second group were told they are giv-
en an experimental drug and little was known about its effects. Seven
percent of the frst group had similar results. Only 25% of the second
group had similar results. In both cases patients received a drug with
no active properties. The only difference was the belief adopted. Even
more remarkable are studies of people who are given stimulants and
told they are given relaxants; invariably they begin to feel drowsy. You
are impacted by ideas fed to you by your environment that you accept
as true. Of course ideas can impact you only when you accept them.