The Hidden Step
Let’s take a look at a hundred individuals at the age of
25; they all believe they are going to be a success. If
you were to ask any of them if they want to be a suc-
cess, they would tell you they do.
At that age, there is a certain sparkle in their eyes and
life seems like an adventure to them. But, by the time
they are 65, one will be rich, four will be fnancially
independent, six will be still working, and eighty-nine
will be broke. What happened to that sparkle in their
eyes? What’s become of their dreams, their hopes, and
their plans, and why is there such a large difference
between what these individuals intended to accom-
plish and what they actually did?
Most people never learn how to become fnancially in-
dependent in the richest land that has ever been. Why?
Well the answer is pretty clear. Only a small percent-
age acquires the keys to success.
this secret will change your life
ummary so far
Most people never learn how to become fnancially independent in the
richest land that has ever been. Only a small percentage acquire the keys
to success. Consequently, ten percent of Americans are responsible for
ninety percent of its success. You can become a part of the this group.