The Hidden Step
Have you ever wondered why so many people work so hard without any sig-
nifcant progress? And others don’t seem to work hard yet seem to get every-
thing they want. Everything they touch turns
to gold. Have you ever noticed a person who
becomes successful tends to continue to suc-
ceed? Have you noticed a man who is a failure
tends to continue to fail?
I have spent years researching the work of the
most successful people of the last two centu-
ries, reading over 450 books on this subject,
and I discovered something astonishing. This
book is about that discovery. I found that suc-
cessful people share common qualities that are
visibly apparent on the surface. But there are
three qualities that are not visible, which all
successful people share, and which is the key
to their success.
These three qualities are within us all. The dif-
ference between those who succeed and those
who do not is that successful people activate
these qualities. It is these qualities that enable
a person to develop the essential qualities to success. Without these three quali-
ties, success is seldom achieved. With them a person can become a leader in any
The difference between those
who succeed and those who do
not is that successful people
activate these qualities.