The Hidden Step
are unique to us. But we are born with a brain that is
designed to function identically in each of us. Each organ
in our body, including our brain, is dedicated to perform
the same functions for everyone. Just as the heart pumps
blood for everyone, the mind has been programmed to
generate powers you need to succeed.
You may not be as tall as Michael Jordan, or as fortunate as
Tiger Woods, but you do have the same mind power. Our
mind comes as standard equipment at birth and is pro-
grammed to turn you into a master at any action you repeat
But you know what happens: people limit and restrain
this mechanism. In fact it is common knowledge among
experts that on average, people use less than 2% of their
brains’ capacity. Just as your organs can suffer from dys-
function, your mind can become inhibited.
Since birth you have received negative information from
your environment that restrained this mechanism. I was
reading somewhere that for every one positive input we
receive about ourselves, we also receive one hundred nega-
tives. Negative information restrains the mind and prevents
us from activating programmed functions designed to help
us achieve goals.
Messages we hear as children suggesting that we are infe-
rior or unworthy will cause us to underrate ourselves.
ignite your inner fre
this is your time
It is common
knowledge that on
average, people
use less than 2%
of their brains’