The Hidden Step
We are not born limited. We are born with powers beyond
measure. We learn to become limited.
A famous philosopher said that the opposite of courage is
not cowardice but conformity. We conform to our envi-
ronment and learn to act as everyone else. And unfortu-
nately most people learn to act as the 90% who fail.
As children we have no notion of quitting. In fact, chil-
dren are born with two instinctive fears. Fear of falling
and fear of loud noise. All other fears are learned
responses. My 5-year-old nephew will go through walls
to get what he wants. He is fearless. Have you ever ob-
served a baby learning to walk? The baby will fall, but
will never stay down.
You become relentless when you understand the three
ingredients, the keys to success. Let’s learn about them
ignite your inner fre
this is your time
We are not born
limited. We are
born with powers
beyond measure.”