The Hidden Step
ignite your inner fre
ingredient one - a goal
y ou d o n o t a c h i e v e g o a l s b y u s i n g w i l l - p owe r
We were put
on this planet
to achieve and
were given all
the tools neces-
sary to win.
e a r e b o r n a s g o a l - s e e k i n g
c r e a t u r e s a n d a t b i r t h a r e a f f o r d e d
the necessary tools to achieve our goals successfully.
Your brain, nervous and muscular systems form an in-
tricate goal-seeking device. Dr. Maltz refers to this as
your success mechanism. We were put on this planet to
achieve. Like a computerized interceptor missile, this
mechanism pursues a goal, making continuous adjust-
ments along the way until the goal is achieved.
To illustrate this adjustment, Dr. Maltz writes, “Just
as a baseball player catching a fy ball, a center felder
constantly adjusts before catching the ball. The player
must take into account many factors. Speed of the ball,
its direction, wind, its curvature and decrease in veloc-