The Hidden Step
me going again.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger was asked in
an interview to describe his secret to
success. He responded, “I was suc-
cessful because of the belief in my-
self.” As a young man in Austria he
once told a friend, “One day I will go
to America, become an international
movie star, and marry a Kennedy.” He
did all three.
This formula has been behind every
great achievement. For centuries peo-
ple wanted to fy but did not believe
a man made bird could defy gravity.
It wasn’t until two brothers believed
it to be possible and a decade later
their invention inspired others to be-
lieve. Within a few years of their frst
successful fight, the Wright brothers
made air travel an everyday reality all
over the world.
Sending a document across phone
lines was not believed possible by
many until Alexander
Muirhead cre-
ated a device called a facsimile.
When you think about any great
achievement, modern or ancient, you
realize a goal desired came to fruition
only when someone believed.
Of course we are surrounded by non-
believers. And sometimes they infu-
ence us in thinking how impossible
everything is. They say that one nega-
tive person can infuence ten posi-
tives. You would think it would be the
other way around. Negative people
are very effective in infuencing others
because they get practice. Those who
are positive usually carry themselves
ignite your inner fre
ingredient three - belief
One negative person can infu-
ence ten positives. You would
think it would be the other way
around...they get practice.
Alexander Muirhead