The Hidden Step
in a calm cool manner and do not
speak about their thoughts. But nega-
tive people spew their negativity every
chance they get.
Negative suggestions can have the
same power over you as the sugges-
tions of a hypnotist. Have you ever
witnessed a presentation of hypno-
sis? Under hypnosis, a championship
weightlifter cannot lift a pencil from
the desk, although he can normally
hoist a 400-pound weight over his
head; and a football player becomes
incapable of lifting his hand from a
tabletop, no matter how hard he tries.
The hypnosis does not weaken the
athletes; they are potentially as strong
as ever. However, the hypnotist inserts
limiting beliefs that impact their per-
Years ago I attended an exhibition of
hypnosis in Connecticut State Uni-
versity. Many from the audience were
hypnotized to perform tasks they
originally did not think possible. One
woman was very shy; once hypno-
tized, she spoke in front of an audi-
ence of 500 as if she were a pro. One
man who was rather frail was asked to
break a brick in half. He tried a couple
of times unsuccessfully. Under hypno-
sis he was told he is a brick-breaking
champion. Amazingly the suggestion
began to change his physiology. His
chest infated, his back straightened,
and his facial expressions became vis-
ibly confdent. In minutes he put the
brick on his knee and within several
attempts broke it in half. Once con-
scious, he did not believe he was the
one who broke the brick.
That evening the hypnotist made a
comment that I have carried with me
ever since. He said, “What you saw
here today is not demonstrating the
ignite your inner fre
ingredient three - belief
Wright brothers