The Hidden Step
magic of hypnosis. It is a demonstra-
tion of hypnosis releasing abilities
that are already there, being locked up
within each person. These abilities are
always there even after you wake up.”
You can say the hypnotist actually
de-hypnotized them from their own
limiting beliefs.
Every human being is hypnotized to
some extent, either by ideas he has
accepted from others, or ideas he has
repeated to himself. If you have
accepted any idea (feedback you give
to yourself, feedback from your teach-
ers, friends, parents, and others around
you) and are convinced those ideas are
true, it has the same power over you as
the words of the hypnotist.
De-hypnotizing yourself will afford
you access to powers you already pos-
sess, allowing you to consider goals
you may have not even thought about
pursuing before.
When you set a goal that you desire
and believe it to be within your reach,
you set in motion a process that is
highly explosive. When practicing this
formula, the seemingly impossible is
viewed as within reach, and your suc-
cess will eventually inspire others to
think the same.
For centuries humans tried to run the
one-mile distance in under 4 minutes.
In ancient Rome, lions were released
to chase runners, motivating them to
run the mile in under four minutes.
Athletes from different generations,
using varied techniques, tried for thou-
sands of years, all without success.
Eventually, scientists researching the
human physique arrived at a startling
They learned
that this goal is impossi-
ble to achieve. They concluded that the
human skeletal system does not sup-
port a person running that fast; it was
ignite your inner fre
ingredient three - belief
If you have accepted any idea
from your environment and are
convinced those ideas are true, it
has the same power over you as
the words of the hypnotist