The Hidden Step
ignite your inner fre
ingredient three - belief
Exercise #6
as exactly what they are, a learning experience and es-
sential in achieving our goals. Negative experiences do
not inhibit, but contribute to the learning process. The
most successful individuals of all time also had the most
failures of all time.
The great Babe Ruth holds the record for the most
home runs; he also holds the record for the most strike-
outs. Donald Trump has made many fortunes while his
companies have declared for bankruptcy 19 times in
17 years. Abraham Lincoln overcame the death of his
sweetheart, failed at two businesses, suffered a nervous
breakdown, and lost eight elections before winning the
presidency. Thomas Edison failed ten thousand times
before creating the light bulb, Max Cleland lost both
legs and his arm before becoming a US Senator, Lance
Armstrong overcame cancer to win eight Tour de France
championships, and Henry Ford met with temporary de-
feat, not only at the beginning of his automobile career,
but also after he had gone far toward the top. He created
new plans, and went marching on to fnancial victory.
We learn wisdom from failure much more than from
success; we often discover what will do, by fnding out
what will not do; and he who never made a mistake
never made a discovery.
Remember that everyone who succeeds in life also has
failures, and passes through many heartbreaking strug-
gles before they arrive. The turning point in the lives
of those who succeed usually comes at the moment of
some crisis, through which they are introduced to their
other selves.
Babe Ruth
Donald Trump
Max Cleland