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The Hidden Step
blueprint for success
The Fo rmu l a f o r Long -Te rm Unemp l oymen t I s :
Update a resume >
Apply for jobs > Wait for a response
hy i s i d e n t i f y i n g y o u r
c a r e e r p a t h i m p o r t a n t ?
What is the frst step anyone follows when ready to pursue a new job?
1- Update a resume
2- Send it to as many employers as possible
3- Wait for a response
Follow this formula today and you will be looking for employment for a very
long time. Although this process worked at one time, it does not work today.
Unlike the average applicant who follows just two steps when pursuing a career
(update a resume and send it out to as many employers as possible), successful
applicants follow fve distinct steps.
“Without goals, and
plans to reach them, you are like a ship
that has set sail with no destination.”
— Fitzhugh Dudson