The Hidden Step
blueprint for success
By now you have already completed
Step One - Ignite
Your Inner Fire.
If you have not completed this step,
please go to this link
fnish Step One prior to proceeding with this one.
The step you are completing now, Step Two, is very im-
portant to attracting employers. This is a different employ-
ment market when compared to the last time you were
searching for employment. And changes in the market
now require that you diligently follow this step.
Building a resume without proper planning is like build-
ing a structure without a blueprint.
A r e s u m e i s s i m i l a r t o a s t r u c t u r e
A blueprint is essential to any structure. It provides the
builder with a bird’s-eye view of the total project before
the structure is built. It also allows the builder to defne
details such as how much material is needed, where the
infrastructure will be located, and other details such as
where each entry will be placed. Even where the electrical
box or the pantry will be located are all taken into consid-
Cosmetics usually come last. Furthermore, the foundation
and framework of the structure are the most important
considerations. A beautiful building built on sand has very
little value. A marketing plan is also important to attract
the right buyer after the structure is built. After all, what is
the purpose of building the structure if no one will buy it?
A blueprint al-
lows the builder
to defne details
such as how
much material is
before the struc-
ture is built.
are dreams with deadlines.”
— Diana Schraf Hunt