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The Hidden Step
Some ask: “How do I ft twenty years of experience on
one page?” Others ask: “Why do employers think of me as
over-qualifed, under-qualifed, or unqualifed?”
Others may not know how to handle a gap in a resume.
Proper planning addresses these issues, ensuring that em-
ployers regard you precisely as you intend.
Planning your career path could take weeks, but devising
the right resume takes only hours.
For every person looking for a career, the path to
employment at frst seems clear:
search > fnd > apply >
wait for response
A simple search for any position yields plenty of
results. Most begin to think, “I should be back
to work in no time.”
For every person, however, there comes a time where the
path becomes foggy. Resume submissions go unnoticed,
and months later every reasonable effort leads to a dead-
end. Eventually most job seekers fnd themselves feeling
lost, frustrated, and confused.
This belief even-
tually turns into
causing the job
seeker to pursue
help...or give up
1,134,223 new jobs in the last 7 days