The Hidden Step
blueprint for success
Now think about this: What is the frst thing anyone does
when they start looking for work? They start updating a
resume, but skip the planning stage. A resume structured
without proper planning (a blueprint) in today’s employ-
ment landscape is to leave the outcome to luck; any re-
sults produced are purely accidental.
A surgeon spends years attending school preparing for a
single surgery. He or she performs each surgery with pre-
cision, knowing any mistakes could cost a life.
The military executes plans with surgical precision for the
same reasons. Nothing can be left to chance or luck. Since
time is of the essence, you do not want to leave the out-
come to luck.
Updating a resume without a plan is blindly creating a
document, hoping for the best. Inevitably the resume re-
quires ongoing revisions, re-writes, and in most cases, all
these are instituted aimlessly.
A resume composed based on careful planning does not
require any more revisions. Outside of minor tweaking, it
attracts the right jobs when presented and gets the phone
to ring.
A resume composed based on careful
planning does not require any more
revision. It attracts the right jobs when
presented and gets the phone to ring.