The Hidden Step
Exercise #1 A
cont i nued
Identify Your Career Path
“people skil ls”
2. Search frst for your soft skills
Be sure to place the words in quotes.
1. Click on this link:
3. Choose a soft skill from your list (previ-
ous page) such as “people skills” and place it
in the What box. Be sure to place the words
within quotes. This is important because you
want the search to produce all job descrip-
tions that contain the words “people skills,”
as opposed to job descriptions that contain the
words “people” and “skills” separately. Here
is what the search should look like...
“Any person
who selects a goal in life which
can be fully achieved, has set
in motion steps to achieve it.”
— Cavett Roberts
Memory Jogger
Step-by-step instructions: