The Hidden Step
Identify Your Career Path
4. Type your location, such as, “Los Angeles,
Ca” in the Location box (if you want to work
in Los Angeles). Again, be sure to enter the
location in quotes.
The result may show the following:
• Entry-Level Marketing Rep
• Bartender
• Regional Director of Sales
• Fine Dining Manager
• Systems Business Analyst
These are all positions with job descriptions
containing the words “people skills.” Now
you have a list to view to help jog your mem-
ory. When the list is produced, click on posi-
tions from the list that you fnd have potential
and read the job descriptions.
“Los Angeles, CA”
If you fnd the nature of the jobs a match and
become excited about them, add these
positions to your Hard Skills list (in exercise
we see depends large-
ly on what we look for.”
— John Lubbock
Step-by-step instructions: