Page 48 - Ignite Your Inner Fire - Step One

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The Hidden Step
Complimenting another person on something that deserves a compliment
creates a bond between two people. When the compliment is genuine, it
makes the other person feel good about themselves and the relationship
they have with you.
By starting your conversation (during the phone interview) with a compli-
ment, you generate positive energy as you create a bond with the hiring
manger. Do you habitually look for the positive in others and praise them
for it?
Power of praise
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you had a potion that you could dispense to
anyone who was discouraged, moody, or depressed, and upon consump-
tion, the recipient would think more highly of him/herself? He or she
would immediately become friendly, cooperative, and understanding.
Well, there is such potion. It is called PRAISE.
In fact, experts believe praise and positive encouragement deliver pure
energy. Some believe it to have miraculous power.
Thank, compliment, redirect
Recognize the hiring manager for taking the time to call you.
Say something like:
“Good morning _______________(hiring manager’s name), thank you for
taking the time to make this call.
Compliment the hiring manager by saying something like:
“I would like to thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to make this call.
I realize that a company as well thought of as XYZ frm must have a great deal of faith in
you to put you in charge of an important position such as this.”