The Hidden Step
What you should expect from
your resume.
A successful resume is not measured by the credential
of the person who created it, or by how professional-
looking it is. Today, a resume does not get you a job or
even the interview, but the initial phone call.
The measure of the success of a resume is the number
of phone calls it creates.
The resume creates the phone interview, the way you
handle the phone interview leads to the interview, and
your ability to handle the face-to-face interview leads to
the offer.
Therefore, we will create a resume that does exactly
that: Create the phone call.
By now you must have prepared yourself fully for the
phone interview by completing “Step Three, Prepare
for the Phone Interview.” If you have not, be sure you
do so. Once the resume is sent, the employer calls will
begin and you do not want to leave anything to chance.
It is important to achieve clarity in an
effort to understand why we do certain
things differently today when preparing
your resume
your resume;
the key to the call-back
srokes fell great oaks.”
— Benjamin Franklin