The Hidden Step
Do you send your resume to as many employers as
possible because you have heard it is a
numbers game?
It is no longer a numbers game. In today’s job market, if you send resumes
to ten employers and do not receive a response, continuing this pattern
can keyword you out of more jobs. If the frst ten viewed your resume as a
match, they would have called you. Employers are just as eager to fll their
open positions as you are to secure them. If the frst ten did not view your
resume as a match, chances are other employers won’t either. Mass-apply-
ing may scan you unnecessarily out of jobs you are fully qualifed for.
The above are just three old strategies some follow that are today simply
obsolete. Refrain from using methods that are popular. Instead use those that
Do what works, not what is
Build Your Resume
achieving clarity
Mass applying may scan you un-
necessarily out of jobs you are fully
qualifed for.”
You Don’t Know that You Don’t know
There are things you know you know. That is your knowledge. There are
things you know you don’t know. That is information you pursue to increase
your knowledge. And then there is this other area that rules your life and you
don’t even know exists. Things you don’t know you don’t know.
Following strategies that are not working without asking whether or not those
steps are working for YOU is in the realm of “what I don’t know I don’t
know.” You are doing things right now thinking they are the right steps to
make. But may not know it is precisely those steps that are responsible for
prolonged joblessness. Still looking for employment may not be due to lack of
skill or potential but following the wrong strategy.