The Hidden Step
Do not stretch the truth, even if it may
land you your dream job.
achieving clarity
e i n g t r u t h f u l w h i l e c o m p o s i n g y o u r r e s u m e o r
during the interview is a policy you cannot negotiate with. Stretching the truth
even slightly will eventually come back to haunt you. Always stick to facts.
We present our background in a way that inspires any hiring manager to consid-
er our skills over someone else’s because we genuinely believe we are the best
for the job. We do not use some fashy adjective to describe our skills because
someone told us it sounds good on a resume, nor do we EVER misrepresent the
truth. Yet, when presenting your skills, do not confuse honesty with common
Some people share the kind of information that eliminates them from being a
candidate (unintentionally of course) thinking they are being honest when they
are really just demonstrating lack of common sense. For instance, if one does
not like her ex-boss, she may talk about her experience during the interview. The
choice to do so does not illustrate her honesty, but lack of common sense. Effec-
tive presenters recognize this difference.
During their run for the presidency, Senator Obama lacked experience when
compared to Senator McCain, yet argued having better judgment. Although it
was true that Obama lacked the depth and breadth of McCain’s experience, com-
mon sense moved him to avoid discussing experience and instead to focus on
speaking about “having better judgment.” The choice to do so did not make him
dishonest, but demonstrated his common sense.
Remain honest, yet be conscientious of your choice of words. Always present
yourself with the goal of winning while remaining 100% honest.
r e a l i z i n g why we d o wh a t we d o wh e n p r e p a r i n g
splendid has ever been achieved
except by those who dared
believe that something inside
of them was superior to circum-
— Bruce Barton