The Hidden Step
achieving clarity
n e o f t h e m a j o r c h a n g e s a f f e c t i n g j o b s e e k e r s
today is that they are no longer there in person to discuss the content of their re-
sume. The employer receives your resume
and determines from its content if
you are someone they want to meet. You no longer have YOU on your side pres-
ent in front of that person to defend the content of your resume. Your resume has
to do the speaking for you.
Employers today frst see the resume and then see you. But
if the resume is not composed correctly, or worse yet, con-
tains the wrong information, they will not see you.
It is now your resume that draws attention to you.
Your resume is an invitation to the phone call that leads to
the interview. Realization Six is important because your
resume must represent you as effectively as you would in
Therefore stop playing the blame game and take full re-
sponsibility for your resume. You are still looking, not
because of the economy, reduced jobs, age, ethnicity, city
you reside in, employer prejudice, or the alignment of the
stars, but because of the quality of your resume.
The moment you have acquired the skills that employers want and effectively
communicate those skills to the employers hiring for those skills, you will be
back to work. If you still have doubts about this, continue with the program.
Build Your Resume
Today, your resume does the speaking for you
Your re-
sume must
you as
as you
would in
r e a l i z i n g why we d o wh a t we d o wh e n p r e p a r i n g y ou r r e s ume