Change is Good
Human nature moves us to do things the way that is most com-
fortable for us. Change is uncomfortable. And although we do
not like change, it is inevitable. And we adjust to change in every
area of our life. Seasons change and we adapt. When we age, we
also adapt. And as the employment market changes, it requires
that we change with it.
achieving clarity
Build Your Resume
Your resume has a job to do. Is it doing
its job?
h a t d o y o u d o w h e n y o u r r e s u m e d o e s n o t g e t
t h e p h o n e t o r i n g ?
Do you place your resume next to you every night when you sleep? Does it have
its own special folder, to ensure it is comfortable in your briefcase? Do you adore
your resume? Are you that attached to your resume?
Of course I am being facetious, but you’ll be surprised
how attached some people become to their resume. Over
the years I have witnessed people who blame everything
under the Sun except their resume for why they are unem-
ployed. Heaven forbid if someone dared to criticize their
resume. They defend their resume and its content as a tiger
protecting her cubs. I am certain you are not a member of
this group. But if you are,
detach yourself from your re-
. After all it is just a piece of paper and has a job to
do. And if it is not doing its job, let’s fre it and create one
that does. That is precisely what we will do next.
What do
you do when
your resume
does not do
its job? What
actions do
you take?”
r e a l i z i n g why we d o wh a t we d o wh e n p r e p a r i n g
“Success is
like anything worthwhile. It has
a price. You have to pay the
price to win and you have to
pay the price to get to the point
where success is possible. Mos
important, you mus pay the
price to say there.”
— Vince Lombardi