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The Hidden Step
achieving clarity
Build Your Resume
Waiting costs you more than you think
h a t w o u l d b e y o u r m o n t h l y i n c o m e i f y o u
were employed right now? An applicant with an annual salary expectation of
$50,000 loses approximately $4,000 every jobless month. How much is waiting
costing you?
I applaud you for showing the wisdom to partner with a spe-
cialist to help you with such an important activity. The idea
that “I can do this myself (because the last time I did it my-
self, I was successful at securing employment)” does more
people harm today than any other idea. A year later the same
job seeker is wondering what changed. Why with so much
skill and potential, has fnding employment become so much
more challenging? The same steps that worked for you the
last time you were looking for employment are prolonging
the process today. That is why working with a specialist is
important today.
Today, we get a specialist to help us in almost every area where skill and time
matter. When you need legal help, you hire a legal specialist, an attorney. You
don’t perform surgeries on yourself, you see a specialist, a surgeon. And when
your car breaks down, you hire a mechanic to fx your engine. Today working
with a specialist to help you when your career depends on it is crucial.
Just as in any start-up business, astute applicants invest money to make money.
Your decision to work with a specialist will get you back to work months ear-
lier and although it may have cost you about fve days of wages to do so, getting
back even one month earlier will save you thousands. Give yourself a pat on the
back. Within a few days you will be proud of yourself for making the decision.
The moment
you start this
program, the
clock starts
ticking. Every
month is costing
you thousands
r e a l i z i n g why we d o wh a t we d o wh e n p r e p a r i n g y ou r r e s ume