The Hidden Step
to a resume that works
Build Your Resume
A third hiring manager looking at the same resume may yet
arrive at a different conclusion from the frst two in seeing
the following:
Banking, Funder, Insurance, HUD, and Appraisals
Is this image yet another, and different from the frst two?
Of course, although experience in mortgage lending may
not be enough to convince a hiring manager who’s look-
ing for qualifcations in customer service management. All
three may view this applicant as a non-match, all for dif-
ferent reasons.
The frst applicant
This is an actual resume. The applicant was applying for the position of Customer Service Management
The third
hiring manager
Why is this applicant
with a background in banking and mort-
gage applying for this position?
How does his current background
even remotely relate to customer service
The third hiring manager screening the
same resume as the other two may be
drawn primarily to the mortgage-lending
experience on the resume and arrive at yet
a third conclusion.